【同义词辨析】 2018-07-26 可恶repugnant-invidious

repugnant: applies to something that is so alien to one's ideas, principles, or tastes as to arouse resistance or loathing: regards boxing as a ~ sport.   (alien有2个意思,1外国外星陌生的,2不相容抵触的,如cruelty was quite alien to him他绝无残忍之心) (loathe表示不喜欢不相容lack of harmony between one's likings or opinions and what one anticipates,如loath to believe he can be right不愿相信他会使是对的)

repellent: suggests a generally forbidding or unpleasant quality that causes one to back away : the public display of grief was ~ to her.   (forbidding 1冷峻 2让人害怕,如a forbidding look on his face冷峻面容, the house is dark and forbidding房子很黑让人害怕)

abhorrent: implies a repugnance that causes active antagonism: practices that are ~ to the American political system.

distasteful: implies a contrariness to one's tastes or inclinations: a family to whom displays of affection are ~. (contrary相反的,词组on the contrary)

obnoxious: suggests an objectionableness, often on personal grounds, too great to tolerate: the colonists found the tea tax especially ~.

invidious: applies to what cannot be used or performed without creating ill will, odium, or envy: the ~ task of deciding custody of the child.  (odium: 表示不喜欢厌恶甚至憎恨the complainant has been exposed to public odium, scandal and contempt原告遭到了公众的憎恨、非议和蔑视)

repugnant厌恶: 有违原则想法品味导致抵制厌恶,程度重,repellent讨厌: 泛指不喜欢退避(forbidding冷峻让人生畏,其实就是unpleasant不喜欢,不单独翻译),abhorrent憎恶: 厌恶到对立(即repugnance发展到对立敌意antagonism,程度最重),distasteful不合品味: 仅表示不符合口味爱好,程度轻,obnoxious反感: 反感难以忍受(objectionable反感: 不喜欢想避开),多用于个人感觉,invidious招人怨恨: 必定招人恶意厌恶嫉妒(ill will,odium,envy)

记忆方法: 1)首字母RRADOI想成IRrational ROAD不理性道路<==可恶

         2)可恶的意思是让人非常不喜欢以至对立厌恶mean so unlikable as to arouse antagonism or aversion.  (aversion表示厌恶到离开, 比loathe更强烈,如seems averse to anything requiring work厌恶任何需要工作的事)